6 Tips To Make Your Swimsuit Last Longer

Good quality swimsuit isn’t cheap, therefore we should know the basic things to do to make it last. It’s common with most of us to neglect the care instruction labels, it’s sewn in there for good reasons. The symbols on the labels will tell you how to properly take care of your suits but, not all of us can identify the meaning of the symbols. Even me, I had worked in a garment manufacturing for years, I don’t even memorized it. Here’s a few things to consider to make your swimsuit still look good and wearable for years. Especially, to those who collects swimsuit, this is a very good practice. Taking care of it is not difficult and it can extend it’s life considerably.

1) Wash it ASAP with Tap Water.

If you can hand-wash it right away that’s ideal but if not, make sure to rinse it after used. Sunscreen, tanning oil, chlorine, salt water, dirt and cosmetics can be harmful to swimsuits. This is one of the fundamental steps to do, wash as soon as you can with cold tap water. Never wash it with hot water, it’s bad for the suit. If you are a Jacuzzi junkie, it’s best to use cheap suit or reserve one suit just for this.

2) Hand-wash ONLY.

Generally, machine washing is not recommended for any swimsuit. It can ruin the shape, fabric, padding, cups, and other embellishments. It could caused stretching and ill-fitted to your suit. Avoid dry cleaning, ironing and bleaching. Therefore wash it by hands.

3) Always Use a Mild Soap.

Laundry detergent is not recommend for swimwear it will be too harsh. Use mild soap instead or soap that is intended for delicate fabrics. While, I use Johnson’s Baby Bath soap.

4) Dry Off Thoroughly.

Proper drying is important to keep the swimsuit in good shape. Don’t wring out every last drop of water. It will damage the fibers and caused the swimsuit to sag. Hanging it can stretch it out, too. And never put it on a dryer. Instead, lay the swimsuit on a towel, then roll it and squeeze gently to remove the water. Then, lay it flat on a surface until it totally dries up. Never dry it direct to sunlight, it can fade the color. Always dry it completely before storing to avoid mildew.

5) Avoid Rough Surfaces.

Don’t sit directly to any surface, it can damage the fabric. Sit on a towel or any cover-ups you can use.

6) Proper Storage.

If it’s not in use, store it flat on shelf, in a lined box. This helps preserve the shape of the suit. I store mine in individual Ziploc, since I want it organized. I let it dry for couple of days before storing. Moist can caused mildew. So far, I didn’t experience this mildew problem yet.

One thought on “6 Tips To Make Your Swimsuit Last Longer

  1. […] I have few collection of Bella Kini swimwear with me. The first ever item I bought still looks new, it didn’t lose its shape and all the embellishments are still intact. Of course, it also depends on how you take care of your swimwear. I’ve shared few tips previously on how to make your swimwear last. […]


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